

The SimDOME partners actively participated in the final event of the project, organised through a combined Hackathon and Industrial Engagement Open Day, in collaboration with Digital Open Marketplace Ecosystem (DOME) 4.0 project. The event was held on 17-19 January 2023 at BI-REX, a Competence Centre on industry 4.0, in Bologna,

The SimDOME partners actively participated in the final event of the project, organised through a combined Hackathon and Industrial Engagement Open Day, in collaboration with Digital Open Marketplace Ecosystem (DOME) 4.0 project. The event was held on 17-19 January 2023 at BI-REX, a Competence Centre on industry 4.0 in Bologna,

The SimDOME partners actively participated in the final event of the project, organised through a combined Hackathon and Industrial Engagement Open Day, in collaboration with Digital Open Marketplace Ecosystem (DOME) 4.0 project. The event was organised on 17-19 January 2023 at BI-REX, a Competence Centre on industry 4.0 in Bologna,

CMCL represented the SimDOME project at the TechConnect and Smart City Connect Expo, held in Washington, DC (US) on 27-29 September 2022. In addition to the innovation pitch under the innovation track, “AI, Data, Cyber, Software”, CMCL also disseminated some of the project findings on ontology engineering, multi-objective optimisation, and multi-criteria decision making to

Multiple SimDOME partners such as UNIBO, CMCL and Fraunhofer presented at the 1st Open Workshop organised by OntoTrans, an EC H2020 project that focuses on developing an open industrial translation environment for materials and manufacturing. The event was held on 15-16 March 2022, and covered aspects and advances of the

SimDOME’s coordinator, Prof. Emanuele Ghedini from the University of Bologna presented a Plenary Talk entitled “From Ontology to Practical Applications” at the 3rd EMMC International Workshop (this time conducted online). Read more about the event here.