
The main objectives of the SimDOME project are as follows:

  1. To develop an industry-ready Open Simulation Platform (OSP) for materials modelling interoperability, based on EU/EMMC standards on materials modelling, by combining, further developing and adapting existing open source software (TRL 4 or higher) developed within previous EU FP7/H2020 projects (SimPhoNy, NanoDome, MoDeNa) and FP7 ERC grant (STRATUS).

  2. To provide a ready to use representative set of modelling software, based on existing academic, SME, commercial and open source codes, covering different industrial applications and materials modelling fields spanning through multiple scales, that will be:
    • Adapted for integration in the SimDOME OSP
    • Further developed (upscaled) to strengthen their software implementation and hardware compatibility, and to increase their exploitation potential and industrial impact based on actual industrial and business needs

  3. To demonstrate the exploitation potential of the SimDOME by testing the OSP prototype and each integrated modelling software in their industrial operational environments (TRL 7) in the fields of gas and liquid phase material synthesis, molecule characterization and chemical kinetics (the Applications).

  4. To integrate and provide the upscaled software and services for maintenance and support via the existing and future European Materials Modelling Marketplaces (EMMM), the network of modelling translation environments and the Open Innovation modelling test beds.

These objectives are pursued by combining competencies in the fields of materials modelling, materials ontology, data interoperability, software development and materials synthesis within a four-year project, involving partners from academia, research institutes, consulting, SME and large industry.